Reclaiming Self-Care: A New Approach for Women with Dr. Melissa Sonners (Episode 143)

143 Dr Melissa Sonners FMP

Episode 143  – In our podcast this week, Dr. Anthony Balduzzi talks with Dr. Melissa Sonners as they explore the importance of self-care for busy women. They emphasize that a new understanding of self-care that integrates mindfulness and presence into daily life is necessary. Together they look into the challenges women face in balancing family, career, and personal well-being. They also discuss how creating a supportive environment and establishing morning routines can lead to a more fulfilling life. The conversation also touches on the significance of modeling emotional regulation for children and the power of letting go of control to foster a more fluid and joyful existence.  

Dr. Anthony and Dr. Sonners explore the multifaceted nature of the ego, emphasizing the importance of embracing it rather than transcending it. They discuss the power of community and vulnerability in personal growth, the necessity of setting boundaries for self-care, and the transformative impact of reading and literature on women's lives. Their conversation encourages listeners to reflect on their inner selves, cultivate meaningful connections, and harness the power of books as tools for personal development.

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Key Takeaways

  • Self-care needs to be redefined for modern women.
  • Busy women often feel overwhelmed and stressed.
  • Creating a new operating system for daily life is essential.
  • Finding presence and joy in everyday activities is crucial.
  • Morning routines can set a positive tone for the day.
  • Integrating family into self-care practices enhances well-being.
  • The environment plays a significant role in mental health.
  • Letting go of control can lead to greater peace.
  • Teaching children emotional regulation is vital for their development.
  • Small changes can lead to significant improvements in life satisfaction. The ego can be a powerful ally if we learn to observe and understand it.
  • Embracing shadow emotions can lead to resilience and growth.
  • Community and vulnerability are essential for personal empowerment.
  • Setting boundaries is crucial for self-care and mental health.
  • Books can serve as a gateway to connection and self-exploration.
  • Reading just a few pages a day can lead to significant personal growth.
  • It's important to check in with ourselves before engaging in habitual behaviors.
  • Women often feel isolated, but books can provide companionship and insight.
  • The process of writing a book deepens our understanding of connection and ideas.

Reclaiming Self-Care: A New Approach for Women with Dr. Melissa Sonners (Episode 143)

Biographical Information on Dr. Melissa Sonners

Dr. Melissa Sonners is a chiropractor and expert in mind-body alignment, dedicated to helping
women reconnect with their whole selves. As the host of the Be Inspired Mama Podcast and
founder of Best Friends Book Nook, she creates spaces for women to explore self-connection
and personal growth—without adding more to their to-do lists.

Her passion for self-care and alignment deepened after being diagnosed in 2017 with
neurological Lyme disease, meningitis, and encephalitis while juggling work and motherhood.
This challenge became a gift, leading her to discover the power of small, intentional shifts that
create real transformation.

Through her platforms, Melissa helps women shift from disconnection to alignment, embracing
both their ego and true self to create a life of ease, confidence, and joy. She empowers women to stop seeking outside validation and turn inward—because the connection they’ve been searching for has been inside them all along.

Dr. Melissa is currently writing The Connection Code: The Secrets to Alignment with Your

Whole Self, set to be published in April 2026 under Hay House Publishing. This book will serve as a powerful guide for deeper alignment and help women bridge the gap between where they are and where they truly want to be.

More from Dr. Melissa Sonners


Check out her Communities:

Best Friends Book Nook- an online book club for women:

Beehive – Supportive membership community for women dedicated to personal growth, connection, and self-discovery. Here we focus less on our to-do’s and more on who we BE as women.

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